Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Well, today LowKey Daddy is having his roof reshingled with the administrative help of HighStrungMum. Events like this cause LowKeyDaddy to get a bit High Strung himself. I really can't stand dealing with contractors no matter how nice they may be simply because I have no idea whether or not they've done a good job. I'll stand out there and survey the work and try to look like I know exactly what they're doing, like any red-blooded American male should. Walking outside in my basketball shorts and unkempt hair I watch over the work with a slight nod of approval after giving a firm handshake to one of the contractors. Clearly this LowKey Daddy knows what he's doing when it comes to construction. After all, with the amount of hours I put in as a child sitting on a computer or playing basketball while my dad fixed the car and my grandpa built my desk I should have no problem spotting shoddy carpentry or mechanical mixups.

Being grownup is not much different from being a kid, you just have to learn to pretend that you're more knowledgeable than you are at all sorts of things.


Lisa said...

I think the roofers bought your act! You're getting good at this homeowner stuff!

Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up with your blogging comments. I can just picture HSM on the laptop and LKD on the desktop, blogging comments to each other instead of yelling across the room.

Just teasing of course, I'd LOVE it if my husband read my blog, much less commented on it.